If you book by card, the security deposit isn't actually taken from your account. Instead, on the day before/the day of your arrival at Edward Place, our system will reserve your security deposit automatically using the card you authorised for your booking.
There is no payment taken at this point, but it is pre-authorised (set aside) in case it needs to be taken, therefore you may need to verify it if you have two factor authentication on your card.
Once your stay is complete, subject to no issues, the money is then released back to your card automatically.
If you choose to book and pay by bank transfer, sometime prior to your arrival at Edward Place you will need to make a bank transfer to cover your security deposit.
We will provide the bank details for your transfer by private message.
Once your stay is complete, subject to no issues, the money will then be refunded back to you via bank transfer.
In order make the transfer we will need your preferred bank account details to send it back to. These can also be sent by private message.
Please note. We do not itemise the cost of various items in order to recover their value.
As we only take the security deposit in exceptional circumstances, the FULL deposit will be lost in the event that it is taken.